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About us

TRUE FRIENDS is the name that has been given to a social mechanism that seeks to help anyone who wants to better understand their mind to use it or not at will, and thus become a TRUE FRIEND of themselves who knows that being CONSCIOUSNESS NOW is the best way to achieve individual and social peace and thus contribute creatively to Create Prosperous and Abundant Societies.  

As meditating, witnessing, sitting in silence and looking at the mind will be of great help, TRUTH FRIENDS relies on its website ( where you can find support resources to BE yourself DOING creative things by participating somehow in Creating Prosperous and Abundant Societies.  


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¿Qué es el amor para ti? ¿Te amas y aceptas tal como eres? Reproduce el video a continuación: 


Is someone who  He feels affection for you, respects your space and is willing to maintain a two-way communication with you.

It allows you to be who you are: It does not evaluate for you, it does not judge for you, it does not invalidate who you are or pressure you to change anything. When he sees something that he thinks you could improve, or that you should change, he guides you with questions to help you assess the situation for yourself.

He is happy with your presence, he likes your triumphs and when he observes something appreciable in you, he shows you the pleasure that it produces.  He does not criticize you, or condemn you, or complain, but neither does he accept your devaluation or mistreatment; When these occur, it understands you, silently moving away from your space, while you are able to regain serenity. Later, it helps you assess the situation, without imposing anything on you.


When you are happy, he rejoices with your joys; when you are bored, it offers you reasons to be happy; And when you are upset or sad, he understands you, allows you to express your emotions and offers you help to heal them. Among his purposes to achieve a happier life, is to awaken his conscience more and more, allowing you to achieve it too; however, he does not tell you what to do, but with his questions and his example he helps you discover paths.

When she gets angry, and thereby generates emotional charge for you, she is generous in acknowledging it and uses two-way communication to help you break free of her.

But more than the above, a TRUE FRIEND is someone who understands that he, you and we are all one


With a common purpose that leads us to say and live the ADV mantra: “ I thank and Bless  my human experience, this moment and the present instant with love in my heart, because there is the secret of the happiness of being in peace, enjoying well-being and financial freedom in the world. "

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Juan Adrián Karca

Creator and director

Journalist, writer and engineer, creator and director of the group Amigos de Verdad, whose purpose is to promote an “Individual Responsibility Program” that seeks to sensitize towards a harmonious, ethical, playful and organized world of free beings. More than 30 years of experience in meditation techniques and some years of experience as a Life Coach of the group Amigos de Verdad.


In 1996 he published with Editorial Magisterio the book “Educación Sexual Dialogada”. Between 1999 and 2006 he wrote for the column “Con los Menores”, in the newspaper El Tiempo in Bogotá - Colombia. There he dealt with themes of harmony with children and young people. In 2006 he published "Vitalogía - Conscience, mind and body", about learning to manage the mind. In 2007 he published "Invisible ties", with Editorial Palibrio, which aims to increase individual awareness to help create a true respect for the feminine. In 2013 I publish the book "Technologies that Sick" on how electronic devices are taking our lives. He is currently writing his next release.

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Sebastian Arenas

Coordinator and promoter of peace and life.

At present, Amigos de Verdad has a small Work Team, led by Sebastián Arenas, who operates as a coordinator and promoter of peace and life. 

He is convinced that peace must first be found in our minds and in our own hearts and then applied to personal relationships. He is also aware of his need to meditate to discover his Consciousness or Deep Self. 

He says that when we begin to live in this moment, enlightened by Love-Consciousness or God, we can truly find our value; what is transmitted by the hand of Juan Adrián in

What are you looking for real friends?

We all have a  inner teacher  that he has been asleep for a long time and that is why we are like mutilated birds trying to fly with only one wing, that of the mind and the external world; because that of consciousness and the inner world has not yet fully developed  In order to listen to the guides of our inner teacher, we must awaken the consciousness that is numbed by a mental chatter that torments us and does not allow us to realize the total reality that surrounds us; that is why we suffer and err so much.

Listen to teachers

There are already many people who invite to "Listen to the teachers" , which coincides with the proposal of Amigos de Verdad, developed after many years of research and inner search, whose recommendations we are disseminating via social networks with more elaborate proposals in this website, from where we are inviting to participate in one way or another in the campaign: I also look inward, and you? -  Become aware now.

Let us all participate and make our world a BEAUTIFUL world: Beautiful, Ethical, Free, Laborious and Organized.

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 I also look inward, and you?

We all have an outside and an inside that we must take care of in order to enjoy a life in harmony; However, given the increasingly demanding conditions of the outside world, we have been disregarding the importance of looking inward, mainly because we are not aware of its importance or because we do not know how to do it. People who have happily found a practical way to look within themselves say that their inner consciousness is enlivened and they are able to live happier lives.

If you are one of those lucky ones who have already found practical ways to meditate or look within and feel that you are more and more aware of the reality that surrounds you and therefore you are increasing your levels of understanding of yourself and others, that brings you more peace and joy, we invite you to share your experience in this regard, highlighting the methods you use to achieve this.


Likewise, if you are not doing anything specific about it, you can start to: love yourself more, stop suffering, be happier and live better, by joining the participatory program in our WhatsApp group, writing to +57 300 7415420.

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One teacher said:

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