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Program is over

I give you 7 ACIM video lessons

Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


The main cause of human suffering is not what is happening to you at the moment, but the worrying thoughts that appear in your mind because of what is happening to you. You can learn to get rid of FIXED IDEAS, FALSE DATA and moments of past suffering that make you think that in the future you will have similar or greater difficulties. We can almost guarantee that many of your current sufferings will diminish enormously and you will feel much fuller despite the difficulties that you may be observing, because you can also see that as opportunities for a better future. The 365 lessons in A Course in Miracles Video will be offered in separate but related modules. At Amigos De Verdad we offer free of charge the first seven lessons of the program "Exercises of a course of Miracles in video", a program that helps to reduce the thoughts that frequently try to invade your mind. We invite you to start this gift that will surely make you want to subscribe to the full program. Try it for yourself!




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